A handbook of practical guidance for mentors, Graz 2017, author: Karin Grasenick
Target groups
managerial staff / scientific staff / artistic-scientific staff /
Implementing organization
Graz University - Coordination Centre for Gender Studies and Equal Opportunities /Contact
Dr. Barbara Hey;
Implemented at the University of Graz since November 2017
Relation to gender equality targets
Extract from the Plan for the Advancement of Women at the University of Graz, Section 37. Mentoring (1) Mentoring, i.e. conveying technical, social and organizational skills, guidance and support to employees in junior positions, is an important aspect of career advancement. In the introductory phase for new employees, their immediate superiors are obliged to act as mentors. Other university employees with expertise in the relevant field may also be appointed as mentors by these superiors. […]
(2) Activities as a mentor are regarded as an important contribution towards fulfilling the duties arising from the employment relationship and are counted as working time. When allocating duties, superiors must take special account of any additional work load arising from these tasks.
The objective(s) of the tool
Providing tailored support for mentors within the university, presenting best practice, useful materials, and the principles behind the program. Giving an overview of different mentoring formats existing at universities. Increasing transparency in mentoring relationships.
Description of the tool
Supplemented with practical insights, the mentoring handbook offers versatile instructions particularly addressing university contexts. The intention is to aid academics in shaping support relationships in a systematic and considerate manner. Instead of replicating familiar networks, the handbook aims to raise modern mentoring practice to a formal, transparent level thereby promoting gender equality. The author has compiled a selection of compact, easily accessible tips and methods for communication strategies, together with suggested materials and processes. One chapter specifically covers the development of publication strategies.
How the tool works, practical experience
The handbook has been received with great interest within the University of Graz (deans’ offices, administrative departments, individual academics). All senior staff are given a copy. It is available in printed form and via the webpages of the Coordination Centre for Gender Studies and Equal Opportunities at the University of Graz.
Special Thanks:
… to the brilliant author and excellent trainer Prof. Karin Grasenick.
Download mentoring handbook (in German)