Organizational/procedural measures for ensuring due verification and verifiability of gender mainstreaming competence
Target groups
Committees / managerial staff / scientific staff / artistic-scientific staff / University Management /
Implementing organization
Graz University - Coordination Centre for Gender Studies and Equal Opportunities /Contact
Barbara Hey;
Developed in 2013
Relation to gender equality targets
Strengthening gender (mainstreaming) competency of management staff (Plan for the Advancement of Women Section 27 (5): “Competency in the field of gender mainstreaming is one of the selection criteria in calls for applications for management positions and for professorships.”)
The objective(s) of the tool
The aim of the tool is to ensure that gender competencies are included in requirements profiles for professorships and that these are systematically verified during the appointment process.
Description of the tool
The tool contains measures and criteria for the following areas:
- Commission – necessary competence
- Procedure for analyzing CVs with regard to gender competencies
- Questions for hearings incl. evaluation schema/operationalization for answers
- Information for applicants
- Documentation in the appointment proposal
How the tool works, practical experience
Successful functioning of the tool is contingent on its usage being recommended in relevant documents (e.g. guidelines for appointment committees, applicants).
Download guideline (in German only)