Training for senior postdocs and habilitation candidates to successfully complete the habilitation process
Target groups
Implementing organization
University of Vienna - Gender Equality and Diversity unit /Contact
Since 2014
Relation to gender equality targets
Development Plan 2020: Point 4.6.3. Gender equality and diversity (“For the University of Vienna, the promotion of gender equality between women and men is therefore a key concern. Objectives include a balanced ratio between women and men at all levels (…) and equal starting conditions and access opportunities for women and men.”)
The objective(s) of the tool
Since fewer women than men have achieved tenured status (habilitation) at the university so far, the training is designed to clearly illustrate the steps towards habilitation and to especially encourage women to undertake habilitation.
Description of the tool
Providing senior postdocs and habilitation candidates with condensed information on the topic of habilitation is the seminar’s objective; ranging from career relevance of habilitations and prerequisites and requirements to the unwritten rules that render habilitation processes successful. It is specifically directed at postdocs with concrete habilitation projects as well as postdocs striving towards habilitation. The seminar is also offered in English.
Wirkungsweise, Erfahrungen
The habilitation training is offered at least once a year in German and, if required, in English a second time. Interest in the English seminar has been growing continually.