The compilation includes suggestions and ideas for teaching and for planning events. By providing numerous practical examples and links, it aims to inspire a multi-faceted debate on gender and diversity in art education. Compiling happened in the context of the KUG diversity strategy
Guideline for persons involved in diverse assessment processes (e.g. professors’ appointments; selection of assessors, advisory boards and external teachers)
Handbook for teaching staff and everyone involved in teaching.
Aims and contents:
- analyzing and engaging core theories, methods and concepts of gender studies
- investigating discrimination in connection to diversity and intersectionality (for example based on gender, skin color, religion, social status, sexual orientation, etc.)
- scientifically researching differences and hierarchies, stereotypes and clichés within one’s own discipline as well as transdisciplinary
- deconstructing categorical assignments and attributions such as, for example, “gender”/“sex”
- applying feminist, queer, postcolonial and intersectional academic critique
- becoming acquainted with the fields of practice and professions of gender studies
Extension curriculum Gender Studies – 32 ECTS
Scope of studies/modules:
Compulsory subjects 8 ECTS
I. Introductionfurther/supplementary subjects 24 ECTS
II. Spaces of living
III. Economy and work
IV. Historicity – remembering – experience
V. Communication – representation
VI.Body – psyche – corporeality
VI. Technology -
Comprehensive set of measures aimed at raising awareness and increasing competence to act in relation to biases and (anti-)discrimination.
The handbook trans. inter*. nicht-binär introduces measures for creating teaching environments that are gender reflective, critical of discrimination and nurture mutual respect.
The handbook is intended to support universities in recognizing people’s gender plurality – among its members and beyond, and in identifying and subsequently eliminating discrimination against non-binary persons.
The magazine’s content progresses along the axis of gender and its manifold interconnections and manifestations.
Training course aimed at building “Gender and diversity related competences for academics” in fields of technology and natural sciences; in cooperation with Genderwerkstätte Graz (“Genderworkshop Graz”), 6 two-day modules, initial cycle started in winter term 2019/20
Every academic year, lectureships are awarded on topics of women’s studies or gender studies.
Training package/Certificate for university employees: Competence in gender and diversity issues within the university
Checklist to further equal opportunities in tertiary education, conveying the importance of awareness and professionalism in the design of courses.
Recommendations for incorporating gender studies during the drafting of new curricula made by the Interdisziplinärer ExpertInnenrat Gender Studies – IER (Interdisciplinary Council of Experts on Gender Studies at the University of Salzburg)
Bundling events on gender research and gender studies at sites of tertiary education in Salzburg (cooperation of the Mozarteum University, gendup (PLUS) and the cooperative focal point “Science and Art”)
A toolkit for rendering visible genders aspects of illnesses concerning incidence, prevalence, symptoms, risk factors, therapy and progression.
Guideline explaining terms such as gender, sex, diversity, gender studies, etc. in the field of medical work and activities.