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University wide awareness campaign: anti-bias


Comprehensive set of measures aimed at raising awareness and increasing competence to act in relation to biases and (anti-)discrimination.

Target groups

no target group restriction /

Implementing organization

Graz University - Coordination Centre for Gender Studies and Equal Opportunities /


Dr. Lisa Scheer, lisa.scheer@uni-graz.at


At the University of Graz since 2018

Relation to gender equality targets

University statutes, Equal Opportunities Plan 2017:
§ 4 Gender Mainstreaming and Managing Diversity
(1) 2. For the purpose of this equal opportunities plan, diversity management is understood to specifically entail the active promotion of equal opportunities and non-discrimination, free from differentiation in particular on grounds of gender, ethnicity, religion or worldview, age, or sexual orientation as well as disability. […]

Focusing on perceiving and utilizing the diversity of persons, diversity management’s aim is to establish structural as well as social conditions in which all members of the university are enabled to hone and develop their capabilities and motivation for the benefit of everyone involved and for increasing organizational success.

§ 30 Developing Human Resources and the Organization
(1) Human resource development and organizational development are considered important instruments for increasing the share of women at the University of Graz and for guaranteeing freedom from discrimination within the university. Concepts of gender mainstreaming and diversity management are to be applied to all measures related to the development of human resources and/or the organization.

(3) Regarding the elimination of disadvantages and discrimination, the University of Graz takes appropriate measures in relation to staff, organization and finances.


The objective(s) of the tool

In 2018 an awareness campaign was introduced in order to address biases, prejudices, discrimination and diversity in studies, research and teaching; to raise awareness for structures/acts of (anti-)discrimination; to raise the profile of consulting services present at the University of Graz; as well as to support the development of diversity related capacities to act and reflect.


Description of the tool

In 2018 a university wide awareness campaign was initiated by University of Graz’ AntiBias circle – a committee located in the rector’s office consisting of approx. 20 representatives of central research and service departments. The intention was to draw widespread attention to the agendas of the AntiBias circle and to further the raising of awareness amongst staff and students. The campaign consisted of:

  • a logo containing the lettering di[uni]versität (di[uni]versity) (designed by a female graphic artist)
  • the website diversitaet.uni-graz.at, updated regularly, containing campaign contents and more
  • the mission statement adopted by the rector’s office
  • four professional videos (including audio description and subtitles), exemplifying in accessible manner everyday episodes and possibilities for action at the university in connection to diversity and bias
  • the teaching award 2018/19 with a focus on “Diversität [er]leben” (“[Experiencing and] living diversity”)
  • four postcards featuring the aims of our work, alternative courses of action in order to avoid pigeonholing, and suggestions on how to react to unsolicited/undesired (discriminatory) behavior (including audio description, designed by a female graphic artist, distributed among Uni Graz staff)
  • three continuing education offers annually (cf. toolbox tool) as well as
  • the event “Impulse für faires und reflektiertes Arbeiten, Forschen & Studieren“ (“approaching fair and reflective work, research and studies – ideas and incentives”), co-hosted by students and researchers

Certain elements of the campaign such as the further education offers or the website are ongoing and occur regularly despite the fact that the concept of campaign is usually understood to be temporally limited.

The campaign’s financing was partially realized with the prize money of the Diversitas award won by the University of Graz in 2016, the diversity management award of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (bmbwf).


How the tool works, practical experience

The continuing education programs are well received and offered annually. The event was particularly popular among students, who co-created it and who were included via thematically fitting classes. Fortunately, both postcards and videos are used and referenced in teaching, university research and further education.


Special Thanks

go to Rita Obergschwandtner, graphic artist; screenwriter Hanna Rohn; the video team around Andrea and Jakob Widmann; and to the awareness campaign working group (members of the AntiBias Circle)


Further Information (limited English content)