KUG’s Diversity Strategy
As part of University of Graz’s general indicator-driven budgeting process, around one million euros are allocated via gender equality indicators.
Relation to gender equality targets The gender pay gap reports and analyses for university management were commissioned and compiled as part of the broader objective to establish gender monitoring. This objective is included in performance agreements (PA 2013–2015, Point 2 Activities related to social objectives; PA 2016–2018, Section 4.2. Activities related to staff development/structure) and […]
Checklist for gender-balanced resource allocation relating to areas of the budget (staff, materials, investments).
Guidelines of the Rectorate of the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien)
Analyzing the gender composition of students and staff at Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien).
Support measure intended as compensation for disproportionately high committee workload at the Vienna University of Technology
Data publication of gender-differentiated data on academic careers and education, employees as well as example dimensions of diversity.
Advisory committee for issues of gender research and gender studies
Datasheet to support the Working Group for Equal Opportunities (AKGL) in approving the teaching plan
Guide on incorporating gender budgeting into planning and budgeting processes, including instructions for gender-relevance testing at the University of Graz.
Data publication featuring illustrative visualizations and analyses of the gender ratio in various areas.
Data publication detailing the proportion of women/men in the areas of students and staff at the University of Vienna.
Analyzing gender relations: staff, students
Handout defining “qualified measures” for target- and performance agreements between faculties and the Rectorate, including minimum standards and examples.