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Gender & Diversity Report JKU – edition 2016


Data publication of gender-differentiated data on academic careers and education, employees as well as example dimensions of diversity.

Target groups

no target group restriction /

Implementing organization

JKU Linz - Department for Human Resource Development, Gender and Diversity Management /


Gender & Diversity Management; gd@jku.at


annually at JKU since 2009

Relation to gender equality targets

Plan for the Advancement of Women, Sections 11, 12


The objective(s) of the tool

The Gender & Diversity Report forms the basis for monitoring and for further measures concerning the advancement of women, gender equality and diversity. It illustrates the distribution of women and men among the student body, among academic and non-academic staff and for certain aspects of diversity (age structure, working hours, leaves of absence, caregiving duties, educational qualification and international composition).


Description of the tool

Upon request of the Department for Gender & Diversity Management, data relevant to the report are supplied by the respective specialized departments which are then processed into a comprehensive report, published annually. Financing is arranged within the university.


How the tool works, practical experience

By allowing for an evaluation of university targets related to gender equality for women and men, the collected and exemplified data render apparent areas still requiring action and thus aid in the conception of targeted improvement measures.


Further information available on the website of the Gender & Diversity Management Unit