KUG’s Diversity Strategy
Target groups
budget holders / general staff/administrative staff / managerial staff / PhD students/pre-docs / Professors / scientific staff / artistic-scientific staff / University Management / University Students /
Implementing organization
Centre for Gender Studies, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz /Contact
Sophie Whybrew,
enacted at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz in 2021, implementation of measures to be completed by 2023
Relation to gender equality targets
In accordance with the principles embedded in the development plan 2022-2027, this strategy aims to increase the visibility of diversity already present at KUG, to guarantee as well as promote the foundations for successful and equitable participation of all members of KUG and to take aspects of diversity into consideration in the filling of vacancies and in admission procedures. This strategy transports the university’s Advancement plan for Gender Equality and its Advancement plan for Women into a broader context, articulates supportive measures and targets, identifies concrete fields of action and highlights the importance of productively engaging various dimensions of diversity in the areas of teaching, arts-based research (EEK), research and administration at KUG. In this way, the strategy supports development and realization of a university-wide diversity management as outlined in the Advancement Plan for Gender Equality. It also promotes the development and expansion of diversity research at KUG, especially women’s and gender studies.
The objective(s) of the tool
The strategy expounds on how the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz’s (KUG) will implement its diversity agendas in the coming years in order to fulfill its social responsibilities and role model function as an inclusive and innovative institution of education and research, as well as an employer.
The areas of public appearance (public relations, website, events), infrastructure, teaching and human resources (recruitment and human resource development) will be prioritized.
Description of the tool
In a participatory process, the KUG has devised a diversity strategy which describes how the university will implement diversity agendas in the coming years in order to fulfill its social responsibilities and role model function as an inclusive and innovative institution of education and research, as well as an employer.
KUG understands diversity as an asset recognizing it as both a commitment and an opportunity that generates fresh insights in the arts and research leading to more sophisticated results. Simultaneously, diversity represents a challenge that requires additional work and resources.
KUG's Diversity Strategy 2021[available in German only]