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Between cooperation and competition: being a man at TU Wien


Video on the topic of manliness at a university of technology

Target groups

no target group restriction /

Implementing organization

Vienna University of Technology - Gender Competence Department /


Bettina Enzenhofer; bettina.enzenhofer@tuwien.ac.at


Implemented at the Vienna University of Technology since November 2015

Relation to gender equality targets

The video aims to increase gender awareness and to encourage information sharing and communication on the topic of gender equality, in accordance with the Career Advancement Plan for Women at TU Wien, Section 3: Objectives of the Career Advancement Plan for Women, points 2 & 9. By inviting reflection about one’s own attitudes and those of other students and employees the video also raises awareness of gender equality issues at several levels: individual, interactional, and organizational. (See “Equal Opportunities Plan at TU Wien: Strategy – Objectives within the organisation”)

The objective(s) of the tool

Addresses the following themes: Cooperation and competition amongst men at a university of technology // When is a man a man? // The social construction of masculinity // In league with other men: opponents as partners // Belonging: excluding and conforming // Anything learned can be unlearned!

Description of the tool

Scenic depiction of the topic “Cooperation and competition amongst men at a university of technology,” in the form of a video with spoken commentary:

“Technology is male, engineers are male, and technical degrees are for men.” Beliefs held true for a long time and the reason why, TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology) was a male stronghold, historically. While much has changed since then, and women are no longer excluded, it is still apparent that women are not only underrepresented among TU Wien students, but also amongst those who work, research, and teach there. History has left evident marks and TU Wien has not shed its male character, yet. It is worth taking a closer look at men in order to change this reality. What does it mean to be a “man” in a male institution like TU Wien? What do men experience in the company of other men, and how can men contribute towards adjusting the gender ratio at TU Wien?

How the tool works, practical experience

The video has been accessed on YouTube around 1,500 times so far (as of October 2017)

Special Thanks

Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), “genderfair” project


Further information (in German only)

Video (in German only)