Group coaching primarily for female habilitation candidates and post-docs as well as female doctoral/pre-doc students in the final stages of their thesis work
Target groups
Habilitands/Post-Doc / PhD students/pre-docs / scientific staff / artistic-scientific staff /
Implementing organization
Vienna University of Technology - Gender Competence Department /Contact
TU Wien, HR Development, E068H,
Cycles in 2017-2018 and 2014-2015 at the Vienna University of Technology
Relation to gender equality targets
Mentoring for female doctoral students helps to further equality of opportunities for women at TU Wien.
Extract from the Plan for the Advancement of Women at TU Wien:
Chapter IV: Career planning, training and further education
Section 35: Mentoring and coaching
(1) TU Wien shall support programmes for Human Resources development. In co-operation with the department competent for personnel development, the TU Wien shall also draw up measures for the development of female staff, in particular women’s mentoring and coaching programmes and career-planning seminars, as well as gender training for all TU Wien staff members.
Extract from the Equal Opportunities Plan at TU Wien: 2 Measures, 2.2 Measures pertaining to the Dimensions
2.2.1 Dimension: Gender
TU Wien commits itself to the career advancement of women and to creating positive and career-advancing conditions for women. Accordingly, TU Wien views it as a joint task of all members of the university to achieve the objective that all women and men at TU Wien have opportunities for development commensurate with their qualifications and that any existing hurdles for women shall be removed or counterbalanced.
The objective(s) of the tool
Participants set a specific career goal at the beginning of the coaching cycle, which is then accomplished in 5-8 scheduled meetings (half- and full-days) over the course of the Project.
Description of the tool
The outset of the coaching process is characterized by a pronounced focus on content suggested by the female trainer. Topics such as making strategic career choices; setting and accomplishing targets; work-life-balance; communication and self-representation within the scientific community; conflict communication and many more, facilitate the sharing of experience, the formulation of personal development objectives and the advancement of supportive relationships within the career focus groups. In order to allow reflection on both individual and group progress, and to be able to incorporate thematic suggestions made by the coaches, the space for open content is gradually expanded during the course of the coaching process. The importance of teambuilding as an integral factor of academic work receives particular attention.
Special Thanks
Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), “genderfair” project