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Life coaching for employees


Life coaching program for (individual) employees of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. This program is not principally intended for men.

Target groups

general staff/administrative staff / other / scientific staff / artistic-scientific staff /

Implementing organization

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna - Coordination Office for Advancement of Women | Gender Studies | Diversity /


Martin Leupold; M.Leupold@akbild.ac.at


Implemented since 2008 at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Relation to gender equality targets

The life coaching program supports the Academy’s overall objective of developing and empowering its employees. (cf. Plans for Gender Equality and the Advancement of Women published on 17.4.2020).

The objective(s) of the tool

The coaching program is intended to aid employees in rendering their working lives more satisfying. Themes of the coaching program may include career planning and progression, personal development, existential crises, conflict management, burnout prevention and time management.

Description of the tool

Coaching cycles for participating employees have to be completed within a year and consist of four separate units available strictly in conjunction with each other. Coaching costs for the first two sessions of the cycle are fully covered by the Academy, with the remaining two paid half by the Academy and half by the client. Counseling sessions are confidential and anonymous. Annually, the Academy receives anonymized feedback as well as an evaluation of the coach’s feedback sheets; details of the participating employees are not disclosed.

How the tool works, practical experience

Evaluations have always been very good. Given that a new coach was appointed in 2017, it is necessary to wait until feedback results are assessed. Available places are always booked to capacity, indicating that demand exists.
