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RESPECT! Flyer and information


Leaflet addressing sexual harassment, bullying, and discrimination

Target groups

no target group restriction /

Implementing organization

Centre for Gender Studies, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz /




The leaflet has existed since 2017

The leaflet was produced by the Centre for Gender Studies, in cooperation with the Rectorate at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, in particular the Vice Rector for Research (responsible for gender and diversity). The Rectorate also coordinated graphics and printing.

The aim of this insightful leaflet is to increase sensitivity and create lasting awareness of issues connected to sexual harassment, bullying, and discrimination in all fields of study and work at the university.

The leaflet addressing sexual harassment, bullying, and discrimination reflects the objectives and guiding principles of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz; these are defined as quality strategies in the 2016-2021 Development Plan (see Chapter 1.3. Profile: Objectives, and Chapter 5: Gender and diversity), particularly in the new Gender Equality Plan.


Respect Flyer (in German only)